API provided by

Case-Study: OpenLibrary API Search


Task: Create a frontend to the OpenLibrary's REST API that does the following:

  • Search for a user-provided phrase using the OpenLibrary's API.

  • Graph the frequency over time with which that phrase appeared in books in the OpenLibrary's collection.

  • Allow users to see and link to the books containing that phrase in a certain year.


Purpose: Show ability to graph, retrieve, and clean up data that an end user can interact with.





R, Shiny, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

(Packages used: shiny, httr, jsonlite, shinyWidgets, stringr, ggplot2, shinydashboard, plotly, dplyr, DT, shinyjs)

If the window does not load or is displayed incorrectly, try to reload the page. You can also access the application by visiting: www.boosi.org/OpenLibraryAPISource code is available here.